I needed an electroacoustic guitar to improve the covers recordings I am currently into. I was first aiming at a Gibson J-200 or maybe a Songwriter but I was so in love with the sound of my Sigma GCS-1 that (just before the Coronavirus crisis started) I finally pulled the trigger on the guitar I thought it was based on: the Martin 00-18.
In fact, the Sigma GCS-1 is based on the 000-18 but I realized that when I actually received the Martin 00-18 and was able to compare them.
I have been playing it for one month now, and wow, she’s just perfect!
I just asked for the LR Baggs Anthem option and replaced the plastic endpins with the Martin ebony and abalone set.

The guitar does not have the V neck of the previous series (00-18V) but the modern one. I must admit that I am a bit surprised each time I pull the guitar from the case but this neck is just awesome while playing.
As for the sound, the tone is simply great. I was really happy with the Sigma, and the 00-18 is of course even better with more pronounced bass (which is astonishing for this body size) and mixes very well with my voice.
The LR Baggs Anthem, is a real well balanced toy (built-in mic + piezo for the bass) when used with my tube Mesa V-Twin preamp (on clean mode) on my Marshall AS100D.
For recording, I use one channel for the LR Baggs and another one with a mic to get a more natural tone which, from my point of view, is very close to what I hear when I play.
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